The Journal Soil & Environment (SE) is a six-monthly journal devoted to the advancement and dissemination of scientific knowledge concerning all disciplines of Soil and Environmental Sciences like soil fertility, soil chemistry, soil mineralogy, soil microbiology and biochemistry, soil physics, soil genesis, classification and morphology with particular emphasis on soil, plant and environment relationship.
The SE is published and distributed by the Soil Science Society of Pakistan (SSSP). Formerly, this was published as Pakistan Journal of Soil Science but was renamed as Soil and Environment in 2005. Soil & Environment is an Open Access Journal i.e. the users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles. There are no printing/ processing charges for Publication in Soil & Environment and also journal does not charge any submission fees.
Financial Support: We are very thankful to the Pakistan Science Foundation(PSF), for providing financial support.

Soil and Environment(Formerly Pakistan Journal of Soil Science) by Soil Science Society of Pakistan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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